Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What Is Wrong with Kids Today?

I know, I know, I sound like some old granny shaking her cane and muttering, "Kids today." But I honestly can't believe the way some kids today are turning out! I'm not one of those people who believes the "good old days" were so much better; they definitely had their share of problems (child and spousal abuse being at the top of the list, followed closely by racism and sexism), and there's no way I'd want to return to those times. But as far as I know, eight and nine year old boys weren't raping girls back then, either.

Yep, you read that right. An eight year old and a nine year old boy raped an 11 year old. Rape? At 8 and 9 years old? Good lord, my brother and I didn't even know about sex until those ages (and we're only 25 and 23, so it's not like we grew up in the 50s).

What kind of values are parents raising their children with these days? Where on earth would eight and nine year old boys, who should be playing with their Transformers or out in the yard playing catch, get the idea to rape someone?

Parents, please. Please teach your children respect for themselves, for others, and the world around them. Please teach your sons that sex is a wonderful, life-giving force when in the context of an adult, loving, monogamous, consensual relationship. Please teach them that women are their equals and are to be valued; they are not there to be humiliated sexually in an act of violence such as rape. And, most importantly, please begin teaching these values right from the start.

Edited to Add: I should have been clear that these boys are accused of rape, and as the saying goes, "All people are innocent until proven guilty." Thanks to Judge Rufus Peckham for pointing that out!


Tim Murray said...

I stumbled across your blog doing research for my own -- it's good, I like the look of it and the fact you are so positive. I share your concern about the terrible influences facing kids today. One caveat: the 8 and 9 year olds are merely accused of rape, and the investigation is ongoing. I hope they didn't do it, but let's not automatically assume that one gender is incapable of lying when it comes to the subject of sexual assaul while the other is comprised entirely of pathological liars.

Anyway, keep up the good work.

Amanda said...

You are so right; I apologize that I left out the word accused, which obviously is very important in the legal world! :) I just got so fired up thinking about it that logic temporarily escaped me :)

I also hope they didn't do it, but if they did, I just have to reiterate, what is this world coming to?

Thanks for the feedback and the compliment!