Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Giving Thanks for the Opposite Sex

I just came across this humorous piece on about giving thanks for men (and, of course, there's a counterpart on giving thanks for women). Oddly enough, I wasn't offended by it and actually found quite a bit of truth in it!

Women are encouraged to give thanks for men because:

  1. We can squeeze their arms as hard as possible during a scary movie, and they don't mind. Trust me; I've done this with Dan many a time. I admit, even though normally I'm the "independent, do it yourself, modern day woman," if I'm watching a scary movie, there's nothing I like better than to feel protected by my husband.
  2. They keep us up to date on all the latest gadgets (this is so true in my marriage! I honestly could care less about HDTV, how many channels a stereo has, or whether it's in Dolby Digital or Surround Sound, but that's Dan's forte!)
  3. They always make us laugh
I especially liked the part on giving thanks for women, because instead of demeaning or trivializing the very qualities that women are more prone to possess (whether by socialization or some inherent predisposition), they praise these qualities, such as sympathy, our listening skills, and our maternal instincts. So often, some (not all) feminists try to say that men and women are "all the same." And while I do agree that we are much more alike than we are different, there are still some differences between us, and these differences are to be celebrated, not ignored. My other complaint with feminists such as this is that in saying that men and women are identical, they ignore or disparage the feminine qualities, so in reality, instead of saying that men and women are identical (i.e., possessing the same qualities), they really just say that women are identical to men. This ignores the wonderful and very real contributions that we, as women, make to society. So I was thrilled to see this article on MSN.

It's rare that I like (and agree) with contemporary articles, but this one was light-hearted and had the ring of truth. Check it out!