Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Public Service Announcement

Please, people. I ask very little from you; I just have the following requests:

  • Use your turn signal! It's not hard, I promise! It's a handy little gadget right by your steering wheel, and it allows other cars to see that you are turning. Need help finding it? Email me, and I'll assist you.
  • Do NOT pull out in front of me when I am the only car coming. I understand if there's a long, long line of traffic, sometimes you just have to seize the chance when you can, but when I am the only car coming, you really can wait two seconds for me to pass. There's no need to pull out in front of me, making me slam on my breaks and yell a string of curse words that a feminine person such as myself really shouldn't utter.
  • When we're in line at the store, please do not stand so close to me that I can feel your breath on my neck. I promise, no one is going to cut in front of you in the 18 inch space that is available between us, so you can back off a little.
There, can you tell I had a rather frustrating time as I was running errands last night? :)

On the bright side, I finished up our Christmas shopping for our angel tree/giving tree (I never know what to call it) boy. On his card, it said that he liked Sesame Street and learning toys, so I got him this adorable book called Global Grover Travels All Over (because really, if a book isn't a learning toy, what is?) I also got him a cute Sesame Street coloring and sticker book. So he's all set! I just wish we could see his face on Christmas morning. I'm such a cheeseball, but I love, love, LOVE helping others!

Also, for those of you in Madison, WI, the Big Lots on East Wash is closing, and everything is discounted 20%. Normally, I don't like a lot of their stuff, because it looks kind of cheap. But they have the same toys, etc. that Target does for a lot less (you can get Barbies for $8.00). So I think I'm going to go back and get a few for Toys for Tots. So, if anyone is looking for cheap but high-quality toys to give to those less fortunate this season, this would be a good place to go!