Sunday, November 25, 2007

Playboy and Other Experiences Christmas Shopping

So we were doing our Christmas shopping today, and we went in to Barnes and Noble, because we love to buy books as part of our Christmas giving. Well, lo and behold, as soon as we walked in, we noticed "Playboy in the 50s" right at the front of the store. Sure, the look had changed from more current Playboys, but the basic premise (posing women as sexual objects, there solely for the viewing pleasure of the male sex) was the same. The whole time, I'm just thinking, "WHY have women put up with this for 50 years? WHY do we somehow believe this is "ok" and acceptable?"

So there's my pet peeve for the day. On the bright side, we got a lot of our shopping done, and we got a bunch of Christmas lights for our tree. Plus, we picked a name from the Angel Tree in the mall (a two year old boy) and we got a ton of stuff from him. We bought him two outfits (two pants and two shirts) , diapers, and a toy dump truck. I'm so excited; I love helping others! This is a VERY worthwhile cause, so the next time you're in the mall, if you can afford it, please be sure to check out the angel tree. There are so many folks in need; I told Dan that if we EVER won the lottery, I'd take ALL the names :) We don't have any more "extra" money this pay period, but next week, I'll probably go back and get another name. There's a lot of names of older people; I noticed that a 94 year old woman wanted old mystery DVDs; a 56 year old man wanted a journal; and there was a 21 year old who wanted a pajama set. So often, we focus on the kids during the Christmas season (which is great; they deserve a Christmas too!) but we tend to forget the older folks. So if you can find it in your heart to get a few simple things for an older person this Christmas, I know they would greatly appreciate it!