Monday, January 21, 2008

What A Weekend!

Well, I just had one of the best weekends I've had in a long time. Plenty to do (but not too much to do), and lots of time spent with family and friends.

On Friday night, Dan and I went to see The Orphanage. It was the scariest movie I have seen, well, ever.... and I loved it! Yes, I was freaked out that night and wanted to sleep with the lights on (Dan said no, by the way), but it was a good, old-fashioned ghost story with a superb twist at the end. I really want to see it again (when I get my courage up, that is). By the way, it's in Spanish (with English subtitles, of course); we didn't realize that when we went. But it doesn't detract from it at all. I highly recommend this movie!

Saturday night I went to my good friend's condo along with 2 of our other friends, and we had a fun "girls' night out" (or in, I guess I should say). We drank flavored martinis and watched Sex and the City, which I have mixed feelings on. I'm all for women being empowered sexually, but I think that sometimes the pendulum swings too far in the other direction, and women go from being prudes (not a good thing) to being sexually promiscuous with random men (also not a good thing), and that's exactly what this show epitomizes. I'm sitting there, watching Samantha have sex with random man after random man, and I'm just thinking, "Holy crap. I could not have any self-respect if I slept with men who just saw me as a pair of breasts and a romp in the hay." But the night was fun overall, and martinis make any occasion (and television show, for that matter), more entertaining.

Then yesterday we went to Sunday brunch, as we usually do, and later we watched a very disappointing Packer game. I'm not even into football, per se, but there was something exciting about the fact that our state's team might be on their way to the Super Bowl! But when that field goal was made in overtime, all hopes were dashed. I did have to laugh, however, because Dan and I often defy "traditional" stereotypes. We were watching the game at my aunt's house, and Dan and my uncle were in the kitchen, cooking and discussing electronics. My aunt and I, on the other hand, were in the living room, yelling at the players as though they could hear us, and overall just getting worked up into a frenzy. I just kept asking Dan, "How can you not be watching this?" He just shrugged and said he'd rather be cooking. :P

Anyway, hope everyone had as relaxing a weekend as I did!