Friday, January 11, 2008

Oh, good grief

All right, so as I'm sure you all can tell, I'm incredibly into politics today. And, since John McCain won the NH primary, I thought I'd research him. Yeah, any type shred of possibility that I might vote Republican is probably gone, especially if he gets the nomination.

I looked at his views on abortion, and, no surprise there, he's anti-choice. In 2000, "On "Meet the Press," McCain said he had come to the conclusion that the exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother are legitimate exceptions to an outright ban on abortions. "I don't claim to be a theologian, but I have my moral beliefs." If Roe v. Wade is overturned and abortion outlawed, McCain said he believes doctors who performed abortions would be prosecuted. "But I would not prosecute a woman" who obtained an abortion.

Oh, ok. Glad to know that a politician's moral beliefs now dictate whether or not I must bear a child. What about my moral beliefs that it's wrong to be an arrogant, pompous, white, male bastard? Can we get that outlawed, too? Ok, thanks.

Anyway, so you would think that since he's against abortion, he'd want to PREVENT unwanted pregnancies as much as possible, right? Well, that's the logical conclusion, but you'd be wrong. He "voted NO on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education and contraceptives and boasts that he has "consistently voted against taxpayer-funded contraception programs."

For crying out loud, what do you want then? You want abortion to be illegal, but you refuse to put a good amount of our resources into educating teens and providing contraception so that the majority of these unwanted pregnancies (that often lead to abortion) don't happen in the first place?!?! Are you kidding me?

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