Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hillary Won!

I'm thrilled, to say the least, that Hillary took the NH primaries. I just saw that on MSN, and I'm watching her speech on C-Span right now (yes, I should be going to bed, but oh well!) I really admire her views, her poise, her expertise, and her passion. I will be thrilled if she becomes our next president.

Speaking of candidates, I like to research other candidates' views, just to get a perspective on where they're coming from. I went to Mitt Romney's site and I was promptly reminded of why I rarely vote Republican.

In the American values arena, he says that, "The [Massachusetts Supreme Judicial] court forgot that [traditional] marriage is first and foremost about nurturing and developing children. Its ruling meant that our society is supposed to be indifferent about whether children have a mother and a father." (Governor Mitt Romney, Boston Globe, 3/2/05)

Oh, no, Mr. Romney. I'm not indifferent about whether or not a child has a mother and a father. Well, actually I guess I am. I think every child has the right to be raised by two loving partners, but I am indifferent about the gender of these partners. I really could care less if two loving, monogamous women (or men) raised a child in a secure relationship. I DO care, however, about the millions of deadbeat dads who leave their children (and the mothers of these children) with no financial or emotional assistance whatsoever. I'm disturbed about the millions of unwanted children who are born to single mothers every year, and are often left to grow to adulthood in poverty-laden conditions. I'm distraught at the millions of abused children who slip through the system's cracks every year. To me, these issues are much more important to the nurturing and developing of children than whether or not they have both a mother and a father. Let's combat those problems before we focus on the gender of committed marriage partners, mmm-kay, Mr. Romney?

Anyway, sorry I went off on a tangent there. But I'm just thrilled that Hillary (who unfortunately doesn't support gay marriage, but does support civil unions---hey, it's a start, right?) won in the NH primaries, even if it was only by a slim margin. Hopefully she'll take this all the way!