Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, it's good to be back... although I don't have much time to post right now, given that my workload at work is, well, let's just say hectic. But I did want to get everyone's thoughts on yesterday's Iowa caucus.

Personally, I am disappointed that Hillary or Edwards didn't take the top spot; they're the two candidates I most closely align with in terms of issues and policies. However, I do also agree with many of Obama's policies, and suffice to say, I would be in no way disappointed if he was to win the presidency.

Here is a handy-dandy quiz to help determine which candidate most closely lines up with you, and, more importantly, which issues you agree with/disagree with them on. I find this extremely helpful, because in my personal opinion, there is nothing more annoying than someone who loves (or hates *cough Hillary bashers cough*) a candidate and/or their stance, but cannot tell you why.

This quiz confirmed, for me, that Edwards and I are in agreement regarding most things (I think the only thing we differed on was social security), while Hillary and I have differences regarding the Iraq war, social security, and immigration. I found this useful, because previously, I was not aware of her policy on immigration, so I was able to research her stance on it. It didn't make me change my support of her, but it certainly helps me be a more informed voter!

Obviously, the quiz isn't perfect (in fact, when I researched her policy on immigration, I found that it was fairly similar--although not identical--to my own views, so I wasn't sure why it said we were in disagreement), but overall, I found it quite interesting!